Preparing a House for Sale - Tip 3: Create a to-do list and book tradespeople to quote on the renovations.

Preparing a House for Sale - Tip 3: Create a to-do list and book tradespeople to quote on the renovations.

You want to achieve the best possible price for your home and presentation plays a crucial role. First impressions are always important, so it’s worth investing some time, and effort (and possibly money) to present your home in the best possible light.

Create a to-do list and break down the tasks that are required to complete, make sure you write them in your notebook so you can tick them off as they are completed.

You may discover some jobs aren’t worth doing by yourself when you consider the cost of materials and time spent to get the work done.

Use your notebook to make a list of tradespeople you will need and get every major job quoted.




David Quinn - Vendor Advocate specializes in helping people find the right agent to help sell their homes. Connect with David today!

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